Feel Your Fullness: Intuitive Eating Principle 5
Now that you have started to work on Challenging the Food Police you can begin to re-discover what it feels like to be full. I have referenced this many times, but as kids we are born knowing when to stop eating. Our bodies naturally tell us when we are full. I...
read moreChallenge the Food Police: Intuitive Eating Principle 4
We all hear them. The voices in our head that say, "you can't have this", and "you shouldn't have that". Those voices tell us when we are allowed to eat and when we are supposed to stop eating. They also tell us that some foods are off limits and only certain foods...
read moreMake Peace with Food: Intuitive Eating Principle 3
We have all been there right? We tell ourselves that we can only eat the cookies on the weekends. We wait patiently all week and "behave" around food all week perfectly. Friday comes around and we are faced with the cookies we have waited for. Do we...
read moreHonor Your Hunger: Intuitive Eating Principle 2
Last week we explored how to begin to reject the diet mentality. This week we dive into principle two of Intuitive Eating. We are born with natural cues that tell us when we are hungry and when we are full or satisfied. Over time, we are exposed to diet...
read moreReject the Diet Mentality: Intuitive Eating Principle 1
In week 1 of my series on Intuitive Eating (IE) I explained what IE entails and outlined the 10 principles that we are going to go over for the next 10 weeks. For a look back at that you can click here. This week we are going to dive into principle...
read moreSo What is Intuitive Eating?
Intuitive Eating (IE) is currently "all the rage" (a phrase my late grandmother often used to describe popular things) but there is lots of misunderstanding around what it actually is. What is intuitive eating anyway? Let me start by telling you what it...
read moreWeight Set-Point Theory – We Can’t Fight Biology
"I just need to lose this last 5 pounds." "I have hit a plateau and cannot get these last 10 pounds off." As a coach I hear this on a daily basis. I get it and I have been there. I have worked to lose weight in order to get to some magical number on...
read more4 Hacks To Sneak In More Veggies
Vegetables are one of the most important parts of nutrition in that they contain more vitamins and micronutrients than any other food. They also contain high amounts of fiber which helps us with proper bowel function, lowers cholesterol, and may lower the...
read moreFour Reasons you NEED Carbohydrates
With the advent of the Atkin's Diet in the early 1970's most of us grew up in a time where carbohydrates were villainized and portrayed as something you need to avoid at all costs in order to lose weight or not be fat. Over the years there have been...
read moreMeal Preparation Made Easy
One of the most popular questions I get is about meal planning and meal preparation. You know the deal. You start each week with all of the good intentions. You plan to eat "clean" all week and make good food choices in order to feel your best and then...
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