
Challenge the Food Police: Intuitive Eating Principle 4

We all hear them.  The voices in our head that say, "you can't have this", and "you shouldn't have that".  Those voices tell us when we are allowed to eat and when we are supposed to stop eating.  They also tell us that some foods are off limits and only certain foods...

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Make Peace with Food: Intuitive Eating Principle 3

We have all been there right?  We tell ourselves that we can only eat the cookies on the weekends.  We wait patiently all week and "behave" around food all week perfectly.  Friday comes around and we are faced with the cookies we have waited for.  Do we...

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Honor Your Hunger: Intuitive Eating Principle 2

Last week we explored how to begin to reject the diet mentality.  This week we dive into principle two of Intuitive Eating.  We are born with natural cues that tell us when we are hungry and when we are full or satisfied.  Over time, we are exposed to diet...

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Reject the Diet Mentality: Intuitive Eating Principle 1

In week 1 of my series on Intuitive Eating (IE) I explained what IE entails and outlined the 10 principles that we are going to go over for the next 10 weeks.  For a look back at that you can click here.  This week we are going to dive into principle...

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How PANS Put My Intuitive Eating Philosophy to the Test

PANS and Intuitive Eating must go hand in hand.  My 8 year old son was recently diagnosed with PANS.  A child who could eat en entire package of bacon if you let him or an entire personal gluten free pizza in one sitting suddenly could not eat a thing....

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Food Freedom: from restriction to food neutralization

I am by no means a dietician or expert on intuitive eating. My experience working towards food freedom comes from some of my reading on the topic as well as my own journey to becoming an intuitive eater.  I have been obsessed with food and weight since...

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What is the big deal with bananas?

Hey y’all! Yes I said y’all….I am originally from California but was raised most of my life in Gainesville, Florida so I am pretty much southern. My very southern grandmother would be so proud if she were here to read this! Anyhow, I digress. You are probably...

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About Farrah

Hi ya’ll! I’m Farrah. I am a simple yet complicated, tell it like it is girl, trying to make a difference in this world one banana at a time. This blog is not about the ins and outs of every banana species but it is about eating carbs, taking chances, and maybe even some funny and embarrassing life lessons.  I am a mom, wife, friend, personal trainer, coach at Orangetheory Fitness, and nutrition coach who believes that food freedom and self acceptance are the keys to genuine happiness.  I am unapologetically myself and hope to inspire others to be the same.

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