
How to Choose a Personal Trainer

As a Coach and Personal Trainer I get asked about how to choose a personal trainer all of the time.  Just like choosing a mental health counselor or even a life partner, choosing a trainer is a complicated process.  After all, you will be spending your...

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How to get your Inactive Child to Enjoy Activity

I went on a two mile scooter ride today with my 10 year old.  Now I consider myself very strong and active but I totally underestimated how that would feel. I’m impressed Liam had the leg strength to do that relatively easily.  Your base leg starts burring after a...

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How to find a Body Positive Gym/Trainer

As a trainer and coach it is in my job description to push people to their limits and help them reach their fitness and health goals.  I take this role very seriously and there was a time that I believed this meant that more is better.  I used to train 6...

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Four Reasons you NEED Carbohydrates

With the advent of the Atkin's Diet in the early 1970's most of us grew up in a time where carbohydrates were villainized and portrayed as something you need to avoid at all costs in order to lose weight or not be fat.  Over the years there have been...

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Pre and Post Workout Fuel: What Should I Eat?

As a coach I get asked all of the time about what to eat before and after a high intensity workout like Orangetheory or CrossFit.  The simple answer:  protein and carbs.  The more complicated answer involves a precise number of grams of protein and carbs...

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What is the big deal with bananas?

Hey y’all! Yes I said y’all….I am originally from California but was raised most of my life in Gainesville, Florida so I am pretty much southern. My very southern grandmother would be so proud if she were here to read this! Anyhow, I digress. You are probably...

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About Farrah

Hi ya’ll! I’m Farrah. I am a simple yet complicated, tell it like it is girl, trying to make a difference in this world one banana at a time. This blog is not about the ins and outs of every banana species but it is about eating carbs, taking chances, and maybe even some funny and embarrassing life lessons.  I am a mom, wife, friend, personal trainer, coach at Orangetheory Fitness, and nutrition coach who believes that food freedom and self acceptance are the keys to genuine happiness.  I am unapologetically myself and hope to inspire others to be the same.

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